Mike McGuirk
Strike Four
Mike McGuirk has worked as a writer in San Francisco for more than 15 years. His writing has appeared in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, The Stranger, the Cleveland Scene and SOMA Magazine, and on Rhapsody.com. McGuirk’s voice takes many different forms, often wandering somewhere between the legacies of noted drunk Charles Bukowski and music journalist Lester Bangs. The work collected here comprises stories, reviews, rants and even box scores. Always insightful and often about more than what is written on the page, McGuirk’s writing helps us digest difficult topics with a wry sense of humor. This book also marks the first ever literary release on Unpiano.
“Mike McGuirk is one of the worst writers I have ever seen in print. Regularly gets his facts wrong (um, Kyuss were not from San Francisco...), liberally litters his writing with useless profanity and stupid sayings like ‘this kicks ass!’, utterly predictable...ugh." - Shakey Mo Collier, 2002
“…As the title suggests, this is a book of foul luck and extra chances. A masterpiece of failure…There’s a whole lot of life here, pinned and squirming on the page, captured by a kindhearted Catholic boy who chased after death and excess with his eyes open. We’re very lucky he did.” - Jordan Bass, 2016
Softcover, 376 pages5.5 inches x 8 inches
Trade Edition of 300